Seems like a silly question right? Many people see how network marketing on the internet is exploding and want to dip their fingers into many pots. I can understand how temping that this can be. I mean, once you get into the groove of things and work out all the kinks, network marketing on the internet can almost be automated. Almost. It is so tempting to get into a lot of different companies or programs. But is it worth it?
You see in business you can't be a jack of all trades and succeed in network marketing. You know what they say, "a Jack of all trades- master of none". When you are involved in multiple businesses you do not have time to focus on anyone. Your business is not about a product, it is about people. If you want to build a strong team of leaders (that's right, you are not going to do everything for your team), you need to invest time into mentoring them. It's better to focus on building a strong team with high retention rates, than to quickly build large teams in different businesses with extremely low retention rates.
You see when you have your fingers in many pots, you can only dedicate a small amount of time to each (there are only 24 hours in a day). When you focus on only one company you will build better relationships, and build stronger teams of leaders. It takes time to build the relationships but in the long run you'll have a more stable source of income, a little bit of hard work now, will enable you sit back and enjoy the residual income later.
Monday, January 14, 2008
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