Many Moms are turning to Network Marketing for supplemental income. Network Marketing enables them to add to the family finances with out sacrificing a ton of time with the family.
With the wide variety of products/services offered and the wide range of benefits, compensation, and pay plans in Network Marketing; Moms are finding it easy to find something that they love and can stand behind. As a matter of fact, I believe that the hardest part is choosing the right company. Businesses are not “one size fits all”. It takes careful consideration and a little bit of homework to find the right one for your situation. But that is what is so great about network marketing, there is something for everyone.
Moms have several advantages over other network marketers.
We have already learned the value of organization- our houses may not look like it, but we do know that when things are organized, our days go much smoother.
We have also learned about routines and scheduling- when you sit and put everything down on paper, you’d be amazed at how much time you have to work a business.
We have also learned about prioritizing- some things can wait until tomorrow.
I would have to say that our most valuable asset is our unique problem solving abilities. This is something that is vital as a Mom- every child is different, and thus what worked on one, may not work for the other. We are constantly having to evaluate the situation and adapt our solutions until we reach the outcome we desire. We know that we can’t ignore the problem or it will turn into something much bigger (spoiled brat syndrome- it may be cute as a young child, but wait until they are teens).
Being able to identify and solve problems is essential in Network Marketing. You need to be able to handle the problems when they are small before they turn into massive problems. We have the ability to “think outside the box” and use creative solutions, that get us back on track. So many Network Marketers fail because they can’t stop following traditional advice in Network Marketing- they go broke, get beat down by rejection, and just give up.
As a Mom, we know that quitting is not a solution- we love our families too much to do it. We reach out to other Moms for support, encouragement, and motivation. That’s what is so awesome about the bond that we share as Mothers. We know how each other feels, we know that working together we can reach our goals. That’s why I think that Moms have such a huge advantage over others in Network Marketing. We already know how to be team players, and when needed step up and be the leader- because if we don’t who will?
Network Marketing is enabling Moms to change their family’s life, without sacrificing time. Network Marketing is changing, we are seeing more and more mentoring groups form and strong teams being built through them. Moms have a good grasp of the idea of support/ mentoring groups, so they learn how to translate that to their business faster than others. Its an awesome and humbling experience to see the massive numbers of Moms excelling in Network Marketing and I look forward to helping more Moms reach for their dreams!