If you are in network marketing and you are not telling anyone about your product/service or about the business, then how do you expect to make money?
It seems like a silly question, but I see people join network marketing companies all the time and all they do is sit and wait for something to happen. I notice that many of these kinds of people expect their sponsor to "get people" for them and to find them customers. For some reason they want all the perks and benefits, but they don't want to "work for it".
Let me tell you, these people will always fail. I am sure that you have seen them go from one company to the next, looking for, no wait expecting, to find the "magic beanstalk" that will take them all the way to the top. I find that many of these people disguise themselves as your friends and family. Have you noticed they always have a sob story? They are the perpetual "victim".
My advice to you is to avoid having them join your team. You can only do so much for them- they are not looking for training and tools, they just want success to happen at the wave of a want.
You want people who are motivated to join your team. You want leaders, who will not go to pieces if you can not drop everything and go hold their hand. You want people who realize that it takes time and dedication to build a solid business.
This is why it is so important to market and brand yourself. You will draw people to you. You will draw people that want to mentored by you. These are the people you want to join your business. These are the ones that want to be leaders and want to learn how to be one. They are willing to work in a team, but can step up and take charge when the occasion arises.
So don't be a lump on a log, get out there, put your story out there and start generating interest in you! Network Marketing is not about selling a product, but it is about selling you!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
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