Monday, December 31, 2007

Don't Let Mistakes Stop You Dead In Your Tracks...

So one of the key things in building your MLM or Network Marketing business is consistency. Well as you can tell from my archives I am still struggling with this. ADMIT YOUR MISTAKES AND LEARN FROM THEM!!! I must say that the holidays and seasonal colds and the flu have been running our household for a few weeks. I am sure that many of you can identify with that. I apologize for not posting more often.

SO what happens when you mess up? Well you can (and probably will) lose some of your leads and team members. Unfortunately not everyone is ready to step up and be a leader for themselves.

You can recover. Making mistakes will show people that you are human. Apologize, give a brief explanation and move on. Let others learn from your mistakes, something good can come out of the set back.

I am not saying that you have to go out and make mistakes to become more marketable, you're sabotaging whatever efforts you are making at establishing a trusting relationship. Now you can take the mistake and turn into a blog on "What Not to Do..." and go into your personal experience. Talk about why you did it in the first place- what mislead you into thinking it was a great idea to do it, what your expectations were and how they were not met.

Its not easy swallowing that lump in the throat and admitting to your mistake, but it will help you in the long run. Its better to ask for forgiveness than to lose credibility with your leads and team.

See you tomorrow...

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Getting Started With SEO Article Writing

Every day thousands of people are making money from search engine optimization article writing. Knowing the ins and outs of search engine optimization will give you the upper hand in the world of online network marketing- even without the help of pay-per-click ad campaigns. Read on to discover how you can make this generate income for your business.

Effective writing is a skill that not every one is born with. Luckily, it is a skill that can be learned. And with the right determination, passion, enthusiasm, and practice, you’ll be a great writer in no time.

Most writers are readers. They like to read a lot. They read everything they can get there hands on. They read every single word they see, even the tiniest of details- they have a thirst for knowledge, and crave for it.

Of course, it should go without saying that a writer writes. And they put their passion into it. Most people who try to become a great writer get frustrated after months of writing without seeing any considerable improvement in their writing. This shouldn't be the norm. The skill is slowly cultivated for some, and faster for others. But with the right kind of practice, you should get to your goal in no time.

Writing for web content and SEO does is not rocket science- you do not need a degree to understand the language of the game. One should just write the same way you speak with friends or co-workers; so your articles and blogs should have a very conversational tone with out jeopardizing it being an informative article.

Besides your article being informative, it should be entertaining your readers. Make it entertaining enough to keep them reading through the entire article. DO NOT make it so entertaining that you disappoint them when you don't meet their expectations. You can do this by having an eye catching headline, a powerful introduction, interesting text, and a very remarkable conclusion. Having all of this will ensure you that your readers will definitely remember your article and will most likely ask for more.

Always take the time to proof read your work. Remember, even the world's greatest writers have editors that read through their novels, books, stories, and the such to ensure that every typo, reference error, and link problems are removed and polished. As somebody who is just starting a career in the writing world, you should make it a habit to carefully proof read every single article that you write. You will be amazed at how many mistakes that you have made.

To help improve your Search Engine Ranking, your meta tags should be relevant to your article. Having the main keyword or keywords, in the title and in every paragraph will help to show relevancy. This is a very effective tip that will generate more traffic to your article.

The SEO world is an interesting and profitable world. And if writing is really your passion, then it should be even more interesting to you- never mind the income you’ll generate with writing your SEO articles. Be sure you use your resource box wisely. Have links to your web site or blog and a link to your lead capture page.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

So My Sponsor is No Help to Me...

Show of hands, how many of us have a good working relationship with our sponsors?

I am sure that there are very few hands in the air right now.

Mine is one of them (for a change).

In the past, my sponsors were always "too busy", just didn't care, or worse yet- complete idiots (having them around made it even harder for you to recruit). Let's face it for the most part, sponsors are no help at all.

So what are you going to do about it?

Well you basically have 2 options:
  1. Quit: You can give up before you even start working. I do not care if you just joined or you have been in the biz for several months or even years. If you have to rely on your sponsor to get your business going, you need to quit. You obviously don't have what it takes. This is Net"work" Marketing, not ride your sponsor's coat tails, not sit back and do nothing marketing.
  2. Step up: That's right, you'll need to step up and become the leader you want. The great thing about MLM and Network Marketing, is the huge amount of information available to you at the click of a button. Start learning about your business, the industry, and how to build strong teams that will multiply. You will find that people want leaders, and are drawn to them, your recruiting and retention will increase dramatically. Just do a Google search and you will find that there is a ton of experience and knowledge ready for you to learn.
So I am not here to encourage you to quit. I want to see Moms become successful and reach their dreams. SO I want you to step it up.

So it's not going to be easy. No one ever said it would be, every one has had "one of those days" You know when

you wish you could crawl back into bed and go back to sleep.

Yesterday was one for me. I had a headache. The boys were awake, my sponsor dropped off a ton of stuff for me to go through, and all I wanted to do was crawl back into bed and pull the blanket up over my head.

My husband’s Mom woke up and started to take care of the boys. Thank God.

If I didn’t have so much to learn I would have slept all day. I went back to my room, closed the door, and plugged in the laptop so I could rest, and work at the same time. I spent many hours on my laptop yesterday, learning new things. It’s amazing everything that we are getting ready for the upcoming year. We are very excited.

I alternated work and naps (long lessons and a headache are not a good combination). Amazingly I made it thru 3 discs. I still managed to check on my emails and talk to my sponsor about the things to come.

All this with a migraine.

SO what’s the big deal? I was determined to get things accomplished. I could have just as easily gone back to bed and shut everything out for a whole day. I could have been a lump on a log. Anyone who has ever had a migraine would not blame me for doing it.

Without determination, you can’t succeed. We can give you encouragement, training, training tools and resources. We can show you how, but if you are not willing to do the work, you won’t succeed. We all have our bad days, we all have difficulties and problems.

We all have the same opportunity and we all have the same chances at making it big.

The ones that are determined are the ones that will make it. You need to visualize and work towards that dream. You need to be willing to learn new things and to change course in order to reach that dream. Because the dream doesn’t change, the way you get there does.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

An Effective Email Campaign

Now that you have a list of leads, what do you do? Simple, let them get to know you by starting an effective email campaign. This is a great way to start building a relationship and generating trust with your leads. So this is the part where you sell yourself to the leads. Remember, MLM and Network Marketing is not about recruiting, it is about relationships.

You'll want to email your leads at least once a day, no more than twice. This is going to build the relationship and establish trust quickly. This is your leads' opportunity to get to know you better, get a feel for your teaching and mentoring style. You need to be predictable so have set times that you mail people, let people see that you are reliable.

Your emails should be entertaining and informative- let the readers get to know the real you. No templates or scripts, you don't want them to think that you are a fake. Remember, they gave you their information expecting to be mentored and taught by you. You need to deliver the promise. You can have motivational/encouraging emails, but you need to be sure the bulk of them have actual substance that they can apply to their business. Remember that you want to keep them real, but it doesn't mean you can't write several at the same time, and keep them on file.

The first email of the day should be your longest (between 300 and 500 words). This is NOT where you push your business. You will lose leads if you push your business here. They came to you to learn, not to get recruited. You can tell them about a service or product that you use in the P.S. of your email- this will look more like you are sharing some of the secrets to your success and this can be another source of income for your business (affiliate programs, resale rights,...)- make sure it is a product/service that you use and stand by. You do not want to push something that you have never used before, or has not worked well for you .

After establishing a trusting relationship with your leads you can share your business with them- I recommend giving them a link to your marketing tool at the end of an email. DO NOT send out an email dedicated to pushing your business.

The second email of the day should be short, sweet, and simple (not more than 100 words). You can respond to a leads' question (if it can be answered quickly), give a motivational tidbit, share quotes of encouragement or wisdom. This is another place where it is okay to share products or services that you use, but stay away from pushing your business until you have established that trust.

As you can tell, email is vital to building the trusting relationship needed to convert your quality leads into new team members for your business. When email is used effectively with MLM and Network Marketing, you will see that your numbers will grow faster than you could ever imagine.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Generating Free Leads- Part 2: A Good Lead Capture Page

Now that we have talked about blogging, let’s move onto the next step in building your business.

You need to create a very effective Lead Capture Page. This is the nitty gritty on how to design a Lead Capture Page that will help you to convert tons of free leads for your Network Marketing/ MLM business.

Headline - To start with you want to write an "attention grabbing" headline. Paint an emotionally charged picture in the prospects head. The best way to do that is to “Put The Promise” in the headline. The prospects start to imagine what your offer could do for them, or the pain they’ll go through if they decide to not opt-in for more information.

For example, all network marketers are interested in more information on how to get Free Leads, so you could simply promise more information on how to generate Free Leads effectively in exchange for their name, primary phone, and primary email address.

TIP: The more information a prospect needs to give you lowers the chances of getting bogus names and email addresses.

Offer- The stronger the offer, the better odds prospects will give you their information. As soon as they get to your site, you want to answer the prospects biggest question: “What’s in it For Me?” You can do that by giving them a High value Free Report, Video, Ebook, etc on the subject that they are interested about. You can give away all kinds of stuff as long as it’s good quality content and relevant. If the prospect arrived at your site because they searched for information on Lead generation, you should offer a bonus related to that.

Audio - Even better if you also have automatic Audio that starts to play when the prospects arrives at your Lead Capture Page. The reason is very simple- people are extremely busy these days, so you only have a few seconds to grab their attention, or they’ll move onto another offer. Another benefit of Audio is that it makes your Lead Capture Page more personal and unique, it lets you stand out from all the “masses” out there.

TIP: Video is nice, but it takes too long to load on many servers. You want to grab the prospects attention right away!

Sub Headers –The next thing you do on your Lead Capture Page is to list some of your best benefits. List some of the content, with out giving away your “secrets”, so you want your “bullet points” to be blind. You should also try to get your “bullet points” (same as the Headline) to grab their attention, list benefits they’ll receive, and foster a fear of loss. This will create a sense of urgency, causing them to react.

Two Opt In Boxes on the Lead Capture Page - The reason why you want to have two Opt In Boxes on your website, where your prospects can leave their information is that all people are different. Some people respond faster than others, so for the “Fast Responders” you want to have a Opt In Box at the top of your Lead Capture Page, not too far below the Headline. You want to have the Opt In Box high enough for your prospects to see as soon as they arrive at your site.

For the “Slow Responders”, who want more information, you’ll want to have a second Opt In Box further down on your website. So for those prospects you talk more about your offer and add a second Opt In Box.

TIP: Change the default option on the Auto-responder Button that says: Submit or Sign Up to something else like: “Show Me How To Get Free MLM Leads Now!” or “Click Here To Get Your Free Video Now! ”, “Sign up for your FREE Report”, “Yes, I Want To Know More”etc.

So creating a very effective Lead Capture page as described above, and becoming an expert on generating Free Leads will not only take your MLM/ Network Marketing business to the next level- you can very easily sell your own "Lead generation" information product to the millions of network marketers that have no idea on how to generate Free leads effectively.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Generating Free Leads Part 1- Blogging

Many Stay At Home Moms (SAHM’s) get overwhelmed by the amount of information out there about Network Marketing. It is so easy to get boggled down by all the information and systems out there, that you can neglect your business. So I find the best thing is to get passive income and Free Traffic going then you can learn other ways to improve and grow your business. The great news is that it is not hard to do. So how do you do it?

Start out by writing a blog (online journal). It’s free at and easy to do. This will be your “home base”, somewhere for people to get to know you, find out what you are about, and possibly what your business is (depending on the focus of your blog). You should post a blog everyday, with 300- 500 words each. Once you have set up your blog you can open a Google AdSense (or other PPC ) account and place advertising on your blog. Having a resource box on your blog with links to your lead capture page and/or your business Marketing tool. This will start generating Passive Income and generating Free Leads for your MLM or Network Marketing Business.

This is great, you have a blog and you have told your story- so now what do you write about? Simple, go to and do a search on MLM and Network Marketing books. Look at the table of contents, and read the titles. Each title is a great topic to write about. You can write book reviews and profiles on the authors of the top sellers. You can also go to ezine and see what titles are getting the most traffic. Also looking in Networking Marketing and MLM forums will let you know what the hot topics and questions of the moment are.

Now you are ready to start generating some passive traffic. Take your blog posts and submit them as articles on the internet. Do a Google search for the top submission sites and submit your article to at least 10 sites. Article submission software is nice to have, but not a necessity. Make sure you have a link to your blog in the article. This is like leaving a calling card all over the internet, directing the people to your “home base”. The more people that you have visit your blog, the more chances of someone clicking on an ad or clicking a link to your lead capture page, or business marketing tool. This is a never ending cycle of passive income and generating free leads for your MLM or Network Marketing Business.