Thursday, December 20, 2007

An Effective Email Campaign

Now that you have a list of leads, what do you do? Simple, let them get to know you by starting an effective email campaign. This is a great way to start building a relationship and generating trust with your leads. So this is the part where you sell yourself to the leads. Remember, MLM and Network Marketing is not about recruiting, it is about relationships.

You'll want to email your leads at least once a day, no more than twice. This is going to build the relationship and establish trust quickly. This is your leads' opportunity to get to know you better, get a feel for your teaching and mentoring style. You need to be predictable so have set times that you mail people, let people see that you are reliable.

Your emails should be entertaining and informative- let the readers get to know the real you. No templates or scripts, you don't want them to think that you are a fake. Remember, they gave you their information expecting to be mentored and taught by you. You need to deliver the promise. You can have motivational/encouraging emails, but you need to be sure the bulk of them have actual substance that they can apply to their business. Remember that you want to keep them real, but it doesn't mean you can't write several at the same time, and keep them on file.

The first email of the day should be your longest (between 300 and 500 words). This is NOT where you push your business. You will lose leads if you push your business here. They came to you to learn, not to get recruited. You can tell them about a service or product that you use in the P.S. of your email- this will look more like you are sharing some of the secrets to your success and this can be another source of income for your business (affiliate programs, resale rights,...)- make sure it is a product/service that you use and stand by. You do not want to push something that you have never used before, or has not worked well for you .

After establishing a trusting relationship with your leads you can share your business with them- I recommend giving them a link to your marketing tool at the end of an email. DO NOT send out an email dedicated to pushing your business.

The second email of the day should be short, sweet, and simple (not more than 100 words). You can respond to a leads' question (if it can be answered quickly), give a motivational tidbit, share quotes of encouragement or wisdom. This is another place where it is okay to share products or services that you use, but stay away from pushing your business until you have established that trust.

As you can tell, email is vital to building the trusting relationship needed to convert your quality leads into new team members for your business. When email is used effectively with MLM and Network Marketing, you will see that your numbers will grow faster than you could ever imagine.

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