Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Generating Free Leads- Part 2: A Good Lead Capture Page

Now that we have talked about blogging, let’s move onto the next step in building your business.

You need to create a very effective Lead Capture Page. This is the nitty gritty on how to design a Lead Capture Page that will help you to convert tons of free leads for your Network Marketing/ MLM business.

Headline - To start with you want to write an "attention grabbing" headline. Paint an emotionally charged picture in the prospects head. The best way to do that is to “Put The Promise” in the headline. The prospects start to imagine what your offer could do for them, or the pain they’ll go through if they decide to not opt-in for more information.

For example, all network marketers are interested in more information on how to get Free Leads, so you could simply promise more information on how to generate Free Leads effectively in exchange for their name, primary phone, and primary email address.

TIP: The more information a prospect needs to give you lowers the chances of getting bogus names and email addresses.

Offer- The stronger the offer, the better odds prospects will give you their information. As soon as they get to your site, you want to answer the prospects biggest question: “What’s in it For Me?” You can do that by giving them a High value Free Report, Video, Ebook, etc on the subject that they are interested about. You can give away all kinds of stuff as long as it’s good quality content and relevant. If the prospect arrived at your site because they searched for information on Lead generation, you should offer a bonus related to that.

Audio - Even better if you also have automatic Audio that starts to play when the prospects arrives at your Lead Capture Page. The reason is very simple- people are extremely busy these days, so you only have a few seconds to grab their attention, or they’ll move onto another offer. Another benefit of Audio is that it makes your Lead Capture Page more personal and unique, it lets you stand out from all the “masses” out there.

TIP: Video is nice, but it takes too long to load on many servers. You want to grab the prospects attention right away!

Sub Headers –The next thing you do on your Lead Capture Page is to list some of your best benefits. List some of the content, with out giving away your “secrets”, so you want your “bullet points” to be blind. You should also try to get your “bullet points” (same as the Headline) to grab their attention, list benefits they’ll receive, and foster a fear of loss. This will create a sense of urgency, causing them to react.

Two Opt In Boxes on the Lead Capture Page - The reason why you want to have two Opt In Boxes on your website, where your prospects can leave their information is that all people are different. Some people respond faster than others, so for the “Fast Responders” you want to have a Opt In Box at the top of your Lead Capture Page, not too far below the Headline. You want to have the Opt In Box high enough for your prospects to see as soon as they arrive at your site.

For the “Slow Responders”, who want more information, you’ll want to have a second Opt In Box further down on your website. So for those prospects you talk more about your offer and add a second Opt In Box.

TIP: Change the default option on the Auto-responder Button that says: Submit or Sign Up to something else like: “Show Me How To Get Free MLM Leads Now!” or “Click Here To Get Your Free Video Now! ”, “Sign up for your FREE Report”, “Yes, I Want To Know More”etc.

So creating a very effective Lead Capture page as described above, and becoming an expert on generating Free Leads will not only take your MLM/ Network Marketing business to the next level- you can very easily sell your own "Lead generation" information product to the millions of network marketers that have no idea on how to generate Free leads effectively.

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