Monday, January 21, 2008

Keep On Swimming...

Well I must admit it is a madhouse over here. All of my boys are sick and I have a touch of a cold. My mother in law is not having a good day and my husband had to go to a meeting all by himself. I must say that I often wished that I did not get out of bed today.

That is just a glimpse of what can unexpectedly go worn when you own a home based business. Thank God the internet never closes and I don't have to write the whole day off as a loss. I just put my boys down to bed not long ago and now I have a little peace and quiet to write my emails and blog for a bit. I am not getting everything done that I wanted, but I am at least getting something done. Remember, consistency will build the relationship. Also it helps to have everything worked out so you can get the bare minimum done to maintain your business.

Well I have some good news, I have more materials to go over and test out some new methods. I will let you know what I learned and what I have found to work. I may not be able to get to the stuff for a few days, but I hope to start checking the stuff out tomorrow. I will keep you posted.

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