I think that it is important to take a little time and evaluate yourself and your situation. You need to know why you want to work from home. Are you forced into the situation (single parent with kids and can't afford child care) or is it because you want to have more freedom and flexibility than a traditional job allows?
For whatever reason you are toying with the idea, and some of you have already made the decision (welcome to the fire, do you miss the frying pan yet?). You need to know that you can't just jump into working at home and gain instant success (yes, some do but many struggle for quite a while).
Find support from other moms. Find local Moms groups specifically for WAHM's (Work At Home Moms)- check with local churches, libraries, community centers to see if they have any groups for you to check out. Also look for forums and groups online. If you don't find what you like, then start your own forum. It is vital to have support from others who are struggling with the same issues you do as a WAHM.
Secondly a little planning, organizing, and preparation will go a long way. Some very useful things to do ahead of time (or ASAP for the ones in the fire like me):
- Routines- If you and the kids know what to expect next, your day will be a little less hectic. I am not talking about a rigid schedule, your kids may not take to change well and it will ruin the whole day for you when you have to adjust times. Keep it loose, I have breakfast routines, mid morning snack, lunch then nap for the baby, and school time for the older boys. After school and nap we have a snack and watch a movie or children's shows. When Daddy calls to say he's on his way home, we clean their room. They know the order of the day, I can adjust times as needed to fit around meetings and special classes.
- Work Spaces- That's right plural. You need at least one for you and one for the kids. I have an older computer that my boys get to play games on while I am working in my office. Even having a small work area with crayons, coloring books, paper and maybe a few puzzles can fit the bill. This lets your kids know that you still love them and want to be with them, even when you are working. If you have the luxury of a laptop with wi-fi, it can be a godsend. I can supervise the boys in the pool while working in a lounge chair on the back porch.
- Wireless Phones- Can be anywhere in the house and still get the phone. If you have the laptop with you, no need to move from the lounge chair to get information. Get a second phone line. One purely for business/ work purposes. It will have a separate bill for tax purposes but it also lets you know that it is not a social call. You can also not answer after business hours with out feeling guilty.
- Cleaning Routine- Let's face it, every one will expect your house to look perfect, because "You're home all day aren't you?" You need help to keep the house clean. Your spouse/ significant other and kids will need to chip in. If you periodically walk thru the house maintaining cleanliness (15 to 20 minute sessions 3 or 4 times a day), you will only need to have a good deep cleaning session 1 time a week (it takes me a few hours on a Friday afternoon, or Saturday morning).
- Dedication and Perseverance- Its not easy to work from home. It is a huge adjustment for you and your family. If things don't magically start working right away, don't quit. Evaluate the situation and try new strategies. There is no magic formula, what works for one person may fail miserably for another. That's why it's important to stay flexible and to be willing to learn and try new way.
Amy Collins
The MLM Networking Mom
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