A J.O.B. is Just Over Broke. With almost any job, your boss will buy your services and skills at wholesale and sell them at retail. That's just how business works. The business owner makes a profit off of you. Can you get wealthy in that scenario? NO! It's very unlikely.
In Network Marketing you can be a leader that grows a business to enormous heights. You will have the support of a 100 million dollar company behind you plus all the training, experience, support, and mentoring of your entire up line - with all of those support resources having a vested interest in your success (we all succeed when you succeed).
If you own a traditional small business, you don't own the business, the business owns you. You are fully responsible for its success and failures. You have to pay your employees (if you are lucky enough to have some), ordering and paying for supplies, products, work space and on and on.
To even get into a franchise today, you need at least 30 thousand dollars on up to over a million dollars to get fully set-up - depending on which franchise. And for all that money, you are likely to have bought yourself a minimum wage job. Why? Because while most franchises often make a profit, the business owner will need to be there - tied to the business- for 80 or more hours per week, while the employees will be going home after only 40 hours per week.
All regular businesses and jobs have one fatal flaw: They are all part of the trading time for money trap. In this common set up, it's all linear income: you work for 8 hours, so you can get paid for 8 hours. If you are sick for half a day, you only get paid for 4 hours; if you miss a day, you don't get paid at all. If you're not there working - for any reason - you don't get paid. Period. You are trading time for wages.
What we have with Network Marketing is leverage. We have the ability to create true residual income. Residual income is income that continues to flow even when you are not actively working the business. In creating residual income, you are no longer trading time directly for money. Instead we're creating a flow of income by doing something once, the right way - building a solid, empowered team, and getting paid on it...forever!
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