Many people have made and are making fortunes in network marketing and MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) businesses. Usually only a small number of people make the big money, while 95% fail to achieve any measurable level of success! But why? Network Marketing IS simple. It does not take rocket science to achieve success. It's just NOT easy to do. The simplest explanation is usually the right one (a rough translation of Occam's Razor). I am going to use this theory to explain why more than 95% or more network marketers fail. Raise of hands, how many have heard that if you tell 100, at least 5 will join your business? My hand is up too. Guess what? It didn't work for me. Now, I'm not going to say this doesn't work, but I will say is that after six months of talking to people for hours every day this just didn't work for me. What about scripts? I tried that too. I used ones with a 20% conversion rate, and I still couldn't get a single one to join. Honestly, when you have 3 young boys wanting attention while you are talking to people on the phone, how can you NOT make it sound like you are reading from a script? So what happens to most people after they've spent time and thousands of dollars on leads and advertising with no or very little success? They give up. Well, let me tell you. I did not want to be a statistic. I was and still am determined to make my network marketing business work. I believe in myself and in my network marketing business. So something had to change. I changed my tactics. I am using a proven system, that can be used in ANY network marketing or MLM business. I have found a way to expose my business to more people in one day, than I can meet in a month. I have leads calling me, I make money even when people don't join my business. I took control and I took action. So what are YOU going to do?
Let me show you why it is so easy for so many to fail (this is my opinion of course)
Are you ready?
What was the first thing that you were told to do? Go out and tell people. (I was told to tell 40 people within my first 2 weeks- did you have to fill out a list too?). Guess what, that FAILS 95% of the time.
Honestly, unless you're a natural born, confident, and charismatic sales leader going into the network marketing industry you'll probably have these same results.
Don't get me wrong some people are very good at talking to people and getting new clients, customers, and team members: BUT most aren't.
They get discouraged, they run out of money, they get tired of hearing NO and then...
Hey, hearing NO all the time is bad for your self esteem, it gives you a lot of doubts about yourself and your network marketing company.
As I said before, most network marketer give up, and not surprisingly within the first 9 months.
The network marketer's perception of their business goes from one of opportunity to one of complete doubt and negativity.
Hey, what you think is what you are, so when the network marketer thinks that they and their network marketing business is a complete failure, a total waste of time, and a dead end, this becomes a reality to them.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Why My Network Marketing Business Almost Failed...
Multi-Level Marketing,
Network Marketing,
Occam's Razor,
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