Friday, January 4, 2008

Marketing Yourself In Order to Build Your Network Marketing Team

So you are trying to make a name for yourself in the MLM and Network Marketing Industry on a shoe string budget. The great news is that you can generate some pretty good buzz for FREE. That's right, you can start making a name for yourself for free, and I am going to tell you how.

Hopefully you have figured out what your gimmick or niche is. What is going to set you apart from the other network marketers online. Having this is what will attract people to you. That's right, we are going to let people that are already looking find you. How?

  1. Search Engines: Okay, this is where blogging and article submissions is going to work for you. Learning how to maximize your blogs and articles to be on the first page of a search engine results page is key. Most people won't look beyond the first page of results. Choose your key words wisely and remember the more relevant your key words are, the higher the ranking.
  2. My Space: It's a social networking website. This is awesome. You can put your story into your profile and start making friends with high profile members. Really wow people with your profile page- make it look really awesome. Have links to your other stuff: opt in pages, blogs, articles, marketing and sales sites. Put your name out there and start making friends. You will be amazed at how many people will reach out to you and how many will want to know more about what you are doing.
  3. You Tube: Video Marketing. If you have the ability to make videos and post them on the internet, go for it. There is a huge following for You Tube so take advantage of it. Remember, we are selling YOU, not the business. People love to see and hear the person that is mentoring them. Make entertaining and informational videos to draw people in. Give out your opt in page information or your blog information, so they can find you.
There are people looking for help in their business, or to get into the network marketing business and the more places your name pops up, the more likely they will look at you. SO what are you waiting for, go out there and sell yourself!

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